lauantaina, helmikuuta 07, 2009

The philosophical thoughts of this week

This week was particularly filled with diverse philosophical thoughts. Mostly, they are not at all new to me, but I just re-found them with renewed enthusiasm and insight.
  • Life is now. Don't wait for it to begin. Too many wait for the time when "I have a girlfriend", "the kids are older" or "when I'm retired" etc. You can always find a reason why not to do something, but then you end up living a life without having ever done anything.
  • Take initiative. No one will fix your life for you but your self. Think about the alternative: If you don't take charge of your life, then who will control it? Who will you let control it? Don't wait for a chance, make your own thing today. As a bonus, by taking the initiative, you feel more in control of your life and that is a basic requirement for happiness.
  • Talk with people. Especially if you have problems. It is a fantastic feeling when you share your sorrows. Nothing really changes, but everything is different. If you have a problem with someone, talk with this person. He is just a human, too, with his own problems and faults.
  • Surprisingly often I see people who try to find the guilty. It is pointless. The only thing that matters is trying to avoid doing the same errors again. So concentrate on finding a solution, not the guilty.
  • Constructive criticism is an oxymoron. Criticism is always destructive in nature. If you absolutely must present negative comments, don't forget to mention at least as many positive comments. Constructive thinking sees only possibilities and challenges, never problems, errors or faults.
  • You don't always need to be actively constructive. Often it is sufficient to just listen. In fact, merely listening and supporting is often just what the other needs.

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